Friday, May 2, 2014



Let me share something with you that may just blow your mind. Unless you don’t think about food like I do. Wait, nope, it’ll still blow your mind.

Think of American cuisine. Let’s do this family feud style. Here are my top five answers:


What did you come up with?

Wait for it………
Broccoli? No you didn’t :).

I feel like one of the most life-changing bits of info I have gleamed from this whole autoimmune/better life process is this:


Just because you have been taught it is part of your lifestyle does not mean you have to spend your life trying to re-create it into a grass-fed, gluten free cardboard piece of disgust---just to stand on some mountain somewhere and proclaim to the world: I DID IT! I created the Frankenpancake!

Dude, let it go. Eat a pancake or don't. :)

Rant Purpose: Break out of the food mold you have yourself in. Just because mom/parent/guardian made you cookies so you in turn make them for your kids to show love only makes sense, I understand. Your mom/parent/guardian read to you too, taught you right from wrong, braided your hair and kissed your boo-boos etc, that is love also, it doesn’t have to be food. *** 

Sidenote: Making your kids cookies because you love them is not wrong. My mom loved that we loved her for making us cookies and everything else. We are just pointing out the consequences of actions here. Tis all. :)

Now, I have either made you really upset or liberated you. Hopefully you feel liberated.

Just because cookies are you thing doesn’t mean they need to be.
Just cause your Diet Coke is your hallmark doesn’t mean that can’t change.
Just because ballpark food is what Americans think is food doesn’t mean you have too agree!


You’re not trying hard enough.

 Aaaaand guess what? You have it in you. You’ve made it this far in life and that took blood, sweat, and tears. So yes, YOU (point at yourself and look at me like, ‘me?, you talking to me?)! You are tough enough. Change it. FIND THE DELICIOUS SPICES OF THE EARTH AND CREATE YOUR FOOD LIFESTYLE!

:) Have a great weekend!

Did I just lose readers? Maybe? 

****I’m not saying I’ll never eat crap again, but not today, not in the next six months. Goodness knows that my mom did make a an amazing chocolate chip cookie. And guess what? I’m 103 days in and I don’t need it anymore. Boom. Took till 101 though for me to not crave sugar every heartbeat of the day, and it slowly got easier to always avoid- now it's just a part of me. Yessssss. Just saying’. I could add something here about how we only celebrate Christmas once a year and that keeps it special or something like that. :)

Start and don’t stop, for reals. Don’t give in. Once you give in, it makes it that much easier to fail. Sounds like an addiction yah? It is. There is a good/bad to everything on this earth, including food. So it’s your choice. When you wake up 50 years from now knowing you could have avoided some aches and pains when you were younger and didn’t, wouldn’t you wanna come back and kick yourself into gear? I would. And doesn’t that ring true for just about every decision in life? Yep. When you know better, truly know better, you should strive to act better. Strive. Not try. Try is a cop-out.

I have an attitude today and boy is it showing. 


I've found another use for my sugar jar. 

Oh I just keep going? It's like an Avengers movie and you have to sit through the credits to get to everything!


Above all else, don't feel called-out by this, don't feel like you are the worst foodperson ever or I am judging you. I am a former sugar addict myself, 103 days clean. 

Simply feel empowered. Beat your hands on your chest 
empowered. Now. Today. It's worth it and you know it. How cool are you.

Don't need a doctor, but just info? is a great place to start.


  1. Nope. You didn't lose me. I figure it takes all kinds and that's okay. I'm a fan of choice and love that I can make them. I love the path you're on and say, "go for it." Just may not, nor does it need to be what I do. (beauty of choice!) Keep up your evangelizing, it's a good thing, and I'll pick up a few things here and there. I'll also make my fantastical chocolate chip cookies on occasion and share with those that enjoy them.

    Love you, Lindsay! And... hope I didn't lose you as a reader, either!! :)

  2. Thanks! At that heart of all this is my autoimmune disease! So hopefully the Hashi's stick around too! :) LOVES! XO

  3. Lindsay, you're amazing :) I've been doing...ok....with the sugar thing, but my diet coke is still my downfall. I tried cold turkey, and it literally made me ill, that's how used to that junk my body is. I'm slowing drinking less and less, and adding MORE and MORE water to wean it out of my system. I'm telling you this, because I'm wondering if you have any other tips for "quitting". Did you get any worse before you got better because your body was used to one particular thing??

    1. I am so impressed with your comment above. Thank you for sharing it. I have no tips for quitting other than take 10 days and say no to everything and go through the withdrawals. HA! Okay so that's what I did. Also, brush your teeth or if you can, chew gum after every meal. Keeps the sugar want slightly at bay. I LOVE THAT you are telling me this, tell me more. :)
