Monday, April 28, 2014


We are organic, free range, grass-fed, non-gmo people.
Hehehehehe, okay, kinda funny right? Too soon? :)

Ok, let’s face the Food Fear!

You, as an informed human being know very well that our food industry has let the government regulate the heck out of it. Chemicals this, harvesting for better shipping that, nuclear apples big enough to feed a family of 7 etc. Do we have evidence that this is what is causing cancer, autoimmune diseases, food allergies/intolerances and/or webbed feet etc? 
Well, you can find the answers to that on Google---both sides of the debate. Actually the NSEW of the debate. Studies, misinterpreted studies, that ladies’ opinion from Some Town, USA, the nice dude at the health food store, your doctor, your nutritionist, your nature-path, WebMD, wikipedia and all sorts of correct, semi-correct and misapplied information including even more skewed/or not studies. 

You get the picture.You can find anything you want on the internet. You type in your query and someone, somewhere will back you up or vehemently disagree with you. 

So how do you wade through the Food Fear that starts to accompany your changing lifestyle? Step-by-step, in moderation and by keeping your priorities in line. What is more important to you? That the chicken your eating had a best friend, a regulated sleep schedule and only ate certain foods? Orrrrr that you get to work on time with a lunch and snacks packed, play with your kids and maybe get a load of laundry done and still be able to serve your fellowman? 


As you begin to gather information and books this recipe will happen to you:

1 lb of grass fed beef
2 tsp of organic pink himalayan sea salt
1 tsp of non-gmo something or other
4 heritage grown squash
6 cups of no other ingredients ever ever*
.5 tsp of overnight soaked nuts as a garnish

Okay, I know you know what I’m getting at here. I also know that you know that I know that it is a WONDERFUL and incredible effort and I wish that ALL food could be perfect and not cost a mortgage payment every month, but it can’t. We can’t always or sometimes even ever do it like that. PS I eat brown rice and buckwheat. Grains have a place in our homes, just not quite what that pyramid thing says. GOOGLE IT. (PPS I am on a protocol as set by my docs, using my particular blood chemistry, which takes the guess work out of what I am doing. I will be on it for a certain period of time, nevermind, I will just write about my protocol soon. :)

Point of todays word barf:

Educate yourself on what you currently worry about most, from perceivably credible sources (wait! Lindsay! You just said that the internet is crazysauce! Yes, yes I did, good luck, you can do it!), and the other information will come right along with it. If you choose to eat one way or another—great, YOUR CHOICE! If you live in small town Idaho and can get up to Boise sometimes or maybe grab a Bountiful Basket other times, but still haven’t ordered from US Wellness Meats yet, I am right there with you and spend a lot of time and $$$ at Wal-Mart and and we happily make it work for us. We do what we can if we place importance on it. 

Don’t get the food fear and Do remember to make one better choice today than yesterday, food, or otherwise. Internal and external choices affect everything.


I have been avoiding dairy like the plague, something I may write about, something I may not. I haven’t decided. I have been lactose intolerant my entire life so it’s easy for me to avoid. But my kids? What do I do there? Well, after I put my family on a dairy-fast for a few weeks my husband said, Lindsay dear, it’s okay once in awhile. Remember, this is your protocol, not theirs. He’s right. My kids get a cheesestick now sometimes, some milk in their cereal for snacks or whatevs too. That’s how we do it in this family. Your’s is your choice. So, as you continue reading labels, and 'the google' :) you will gather some good info. You are currently reading this and I’m not an expert on anything right!? I’m a woman/wife/SAH mom fighting a disease and sharing some info.

Last side story. Sam happily ate his veggie-ridden dinner last night (after 93 days of doing this) and I may have cried, which hurt my still-smarting eyes from surgery. It was such a wonderful moment.

Pants-less and stoked about how strong his veggies make him.

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